Signs You Are in a Calorie Deficit: Know When It Is Working

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By Philip Rotstein


A calorie deficit is the single most effective way to lose weight naturally. Yet, as it is with the most parts in our lives, it comes with downsides.

So, you accurately calculated how many calories you need to reach the calorie deficit. Now goes the hardest part – to eat less, than you used to. It sounds as easy as it is to underestimate the struggle it brings. Especially, if that’s your first time trying a calorie deficit. Then the game becomes thousandfold harder.

During the first days and weeks, you feel withdrawals from all this pleasure as your body and mind try to adjust to eating less. Cravings get stronger, your mood might worsen, and you feel exhausted. But the good part is that it all goes away with time. The key is to do your best to stick to it.

Naturally, you want this process to start sooner to make it through faster. That’s why you need to know what are calorie deficit signs. To see if you reached it and your weight-loss process finally started.

In this article, we’ve collected a comprehensive list of signs of a calorie deficit, which we hope you will find useful.

Signs You Are in a Calorie Deficit

If you’re trying to reach a calorie deficit it is so important to know what are the signs of it. Knowing them will make your weight loss process way more effective. Because you will be able to mentally prepare for some of the struggles along the way.

Another big reason it’s so crucial is anxiety. As calorie deficit side-effect might disguise itselves as the symptom of some disease. This will make you think you’re being ill, when in fact it might be a particular sign of a calorie deficit.

It can be detrimental to your weight-loss process and might stop it whatsoever.

Here’s a list of signs you are in a calorie deficit:

  • Most common and hard to overcome: Persistent Hunger and Cravings
  • Noticeable Weight Loss
  • Increased Fatigue
  • Disturbed Sleep Patterns
  • Mood Changes
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Slower Metabolism
  • Muscle Loss
  • Plateau in Weight Loss
  • Potential Nutrient Deficiencies
  • In women: Menstrual Irregularities

Each of these signs can indicate that your body is using more energy than it’s getting from your diet. Read on to understand more about each sign and the impact of a calorie deficit on your body.

Physical signs of a calorie deficit

Hunger and Cravings: One of the most immediate signs of a calorie deficit is a persistent feeling of hunger or specific cravings. This is your body signaling for more energy.

Weight Loss: The most obvious sign of a calorie deficit is weight loss. It’s important to monitor the rate of weight loss to ensure it remains within a healthy range.

Fatigue: Reduced calorie intake often leads to lower energy levels, making you feel tired or fatigued more easily than usual.

Changes in Sleep Patterns: Some people experience disturbances in their sleep or find it harder to fall asleep when they’re consuming fewer calories.

Mental and Emotional Signs You Are in a Calorie Deficit

Mood Changes: Don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling irritable or experiencing mood swings; these can be side effects of a calorie deficit.

Difficulty Concentrating: A lack of sufficient calories can also affect your brain, leading to difficulties with concentration and memory.

Physiological Responses

Slower Metabolism: Over time, your body might slow down its metabolic rate in response to a sustained calorie deficit, as a means of conserving energy.

Muscle Loss: Alongside fat, you might also lose muscle mass, especially if the calorie deficit is severe or prolonged.

Menstrual Irregularities: In women, a significant calorie deficit can lead to changes or irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

Stunts growth: It is a well-known fact that calorie deficit stunts growth in teenagers. So if you or your child notice a sudden slowdown in growth, it is advisable to immediately stop the weight-loss process and review the diet to include the right amount of calories and macronutrients.

Long-term and Health Signs You’re in a Calorie Deficit

Plateau in Weight Loss

When you start your weight loss journey, the first few weeks can feel like magic. You’re eating less, moving more, and the results show quickly. But then, out of nowhere, progress slows down. You’re putting in the effort, but the scale seems stuck. This is what’s known as a weight loss plateau.

So, what’s going on? Well, your body is incredibly smart. At first, eating fewer calories leads to noticeable weight loss. But over time, your body adjusts. It gets used to the new routine and becomes more efficient. Suddenly, you’re burning fewer calories, even though you’re doing everything right. The result? Your weight loss stalls.

This plateau is completely normal. Your body is just trying to protect itself. It’s like your body is saying, “Hey, let’s hold onto some of this energy, just in case.” While it can be frustrating, it doesn’t mean you’ve hit a dead end.

Breaking through a plateau might mean shaking things up a bit. Maybe it’s time to tweak your diet or ramp up your workouts. Sometimes, even giving yourself a little break from strict dieting can help reset your metabolism. The key is to keep going, stay flexible, and remember that plateaus are just part of the journey.

Nutrient Deficiencies

When you stick to a calorie deficit for a long time, it can have some downsides. One of the big ones is nutrient deficiencies. You’re eating less to lose weight, but that also means you might be missing out on important nutrients your body needs.

When your diet doesn’t provide enough of these essential nutrients, it can start to affect your overall health. You might feel more tired, your immune system could weaken, and other health issues might pop up.

So, when you’re cutting calories keep an eye on your nutrition. Make sure you’re still getting a balanced mix of vitamins, minerals, and other essentials. This way, you can stay healthy while reaching your weight loss goals.


Knowing what the signs of calorie deficit you might come across is important to not get discouraged, while trying to lose weight.

Some of the signs of a calorie deficit might be mistaken for symptoms of a disease. This might make you anxious and interrupt your weight-loss process.

Cravings and hunger are the most common signs of a calorie deficit.

Hitting a weight loss plateau and facing nutrient deficiencies are common challenges on the journey to a healthier lifestyle. A plateau is a normal response as your body adapts to a lower calorie intake, but it doesn’t mean progress is over. It’s a signal to mix things up, stay patient, and keep moving forward.

Maintaining a calorie deficit for too long can lead to missing out on essential nutrients. This can impact your overall health, making it vital to focus on balanced nutrition even when eating less.

Understanding these challenges and adapting your approach can help you achieve your goals while staying healthy and motivated.

If you happen to have severe symptoms, please consult your healthcare provider.


  1. Optimal Diet Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance
  2. Fat loss depends on energy deficit only, independently of the method for weight loss
  3. Caloric Restriction in Humans: Impact on Physiological, Psychological, and Behavioral Outcomes
  4. Weight Reduction With Low-Calorie Diets
  5. Gaining and Losing Weight in Athletics
  6. Tips for Cutting Calories