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How To Get Rid of Old Man Belly Fat

How To Get Rid of Old Man Belly Fat

As we grow older, our metabolism slows down. So it becomes harder to lose extra weight.

However, worry not, as it is still possible to do it by being persistent with it.

It is a multistep process that includes several factors. Of course, being the best at everything is too idealistic, and sometimes you ought to cut yourself some slack.

Don’t worry about getting everything right.

Just concentrate on those areas in which you feel you could make positive improvements.

This is an addition to a bigger guide, which you might want to read too: Lose Belly Fat And Forget About Stubborn Belly Rolls.

We will go over several methods for getting rid of old man belly fat in greater detail.

The two types of fat storage

As the article in the Oxford academic journal tells us, there are two types of fat storage:

  1. the one that we collect evenly on our thighs, arms, necks and so on.
  2. the fat that forms in one place, like a belly.

While we are young and nonchalant, we have the first type of fat, which is distributed evenly and looks fine to the eye even if the person is slightly overweight. Considering there are some somewhat developed muscles, it looks fine.

When we get older, our body tends to collect the second type. We usually notice someone who has a round, sticking-out belly because it appears unnatural. If we notice it in ourselves, we scold ourselves for it, thinking we could have avoided it by making better choices. Still, it is fixable, and we will get to it right now.

Methods to get rid of old man belly fat

If you strongly decide to fight your belly fat you will succeed with it.

No matter how old and rusty you are. The sole dedication often can work miracles to our lives and many big people suggest that.

Like the famous English historian and writer Thomas Fuller said, “all things are difficult before they are easy.”

The hardest thing is to make the decision to change. It is the fight that is the toughest thing—the fight with yourself.

You have to stop hesitating and accept that this is a new way to live. Give yourself fully to the process. Don’t expect immediate results, and don’t be surprised if you don’t see big changes after a couple days.

The results will come.

Just wait for it and be patient.

Have a good night sleep

Have a good night sleep

Sleeping well at night is a crucial factor that influences the process significantly.

The thorough scientific study leaves no doubts that bad sleep leads to a number of serious problems not only with your health but with your overall quality of life.

Researchers had found that a lack of quality sleep directly leads to destroying your eating habits and elevates a risk of obesity.

Staying up late at night cunningly makes you crave some snack or late meal. Such late meals are known to digest in a worse way, even causing indigestion, which might cause flatulence and bloating.

That’s why it is widely known that it is better not to eat after 6 o’clock.

So if it is a TV show that keeps you up late at night, consider watching it tomorrow in the morning.

Bad neighbors

In case it is your neighbors who don’t let you fall asleep, don’t hesitate asking them to be quiet at night, as it is your basic human right to have a normal 8-hour sleeping time.

Most probably, they don’t even understand that they are bothering anyone. Most of the time, asking them to be quieter politely in a friendly way is enough to reach your goal of having a good night’s sleep.

It directly affects your health. It is protected by the law in most countries. So if neighbors don’t quit making noise at night, just call your local emergency service by phone.

Straighten up your eating habits

What you eat is as important as when you eat it.

What to eat

Try to eat less carbohydrates and avoid sugary foods. Definitely avoid sugary drinks, as it is hard to control how much sugar you have consumed during the day.

If you have a craving for something sweet, choose fruits, as they possess a secret weapon to lose weight, which you can read about in our article about: Do Grapes Cause Belly Fat.

Basically, what to eat is easy:

  • More fruits and vegetables.
  • More healthy oils, like olive oil.
  • More fish and white meat, like chicken or turkey.

When to eat

It is also an easy one. Try to avoid the kitchen after 6 o’clock.

Ideally, eat when you really want to eat.

Don’t eat to indulge yourself or to eat up stress. Don’t reward yourself with food.

Treat it as fuel. You wouldn’t soak your whole car with gasoline after you finished refueling it, right?

So why would you treat yourself worse than your car and overeat, that is only doing disservice to your health and body?

Gain some muscle

Muscles help us move things and look better. Regardless of age.

Exercises with light weights are beneficial at any age. Consider buying small weights to do compound exercises that engage your core (belly) muscles.

There is no need to do crunches, as some people feel back pain doing them. Some more complex standing exercises, like sit-ups, also activate your belly muscles because they involve keeping balance.

Avoid stress

There are numerous studies, and the recent one about stress and obesity gives strong evidence that stress and obesity go hand in hand.

Try to meditate and take walks outside, if possible, to lower your level of stress. Also, try to communicate with other people who make you feel better.

It is proven that even if you don’t like talking to other people, it can still have a positive impact on your mood. Just try to find like-minded people in your area or even on the internet.

Talking to and listening to other people is something worth trying to do to decrease your stress level.

Stay active

stay active

Taking a walk outside can make a tremendous difference in your self-confidence and physical appearance. If you stay inside for too long, it is inevitable that you start feeling insecure about yourself. That’s why it is important to go outside to see other people and realize that they also live their lives and have something to worry about.

Wrap up

As the world-famous Maya Angelou suggested, “if you can’t change it, just change your attitude."

It’s okay if you can’t do most of the things on the list to lose old man belly fat. Just remember that other people think more about themselves, than your appearance.

If your doctor doesn’t tell you that the belly issue has to be addressed, then you can probably relax and enjoy yourself as it is. You are beautiful as you are, and you deserve peace of mind.